Lili Ledy Captain America Doll

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lili ledy mego Captain America

Ledy Captain America got something his American counterpart didn't, red gloves. Leave it to Mexico to produce a more accurate Captain America doll. Photo courtesy of Heath Smith.

lili ledy mego Captain America

Eagle Shield Variant? I've had this on the site since it's inception, it was mentioned to me back in the mid 90s and I want to believe it exists but much like Guason I firmly believe now it's the stuff of fantasy and rumour. Sorry for helping spread it. The picture above is a forgery by me, not real in any way. Seriously it's ca-ca, don't think it's evidence.

lili ledy mego Batman

Boxed Ledy Captain America, I wish!

lili ledy mego Batman

Back of the box utilizing the classic artwork by Jack King Kirby baby!
